Jumatatu, 6 Juni 2016

Husna Maulid wishing you A Ramadhan Kareem 2016

Asalam aleykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh,, As you know the holy Month Ramanadhani is at out door step, we just have to open our doors and welcome it. Let us try and make this Ramanadhani a turning point for us to be good Muslims, Inshallah Allah. I want to Ask forgiveness from you for all the Pain U might have caused you Intentionally or unintentionally you . Iam sorry for lying to you, for mocking at you, for hurting you, for swearing you, for slandering you and many others which I might have forgotten.. Please forgive me for doing wrong to you and Allah shall elevate u with your kindness.. Allah forgives his creation and the best Among them are those who Repent. So please I'm sincerely asking you to forgive me and start a new beginning with clean hearts cause we all have to face. Allah someday... Jazakallah khair ... Please pass this MSG to anyone who you feel you should say sorry .. One sorry can make bitter relations sweet Niwatakie

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